: What is your first musical memory ?
My mother heard some ugly rock music in the living room..
artist or song has "affected" your childhood ?
would say no one. I was influenced of my own experiments with sounds
But my first visit in a techno record-shop was interesting. With
our school we visited Freiburg (don't know the name in French...).
And there I discovered a nice record-shop. But all my friends came
with me and so a group of about 10 pupils (some of them with coloured
hair..) entered the empty shop where a techno guy got upset about
the strange group. There I brought my first vinyl record (Juan Atkins).
That was 1993.
you think of working in music ? What did you really want to
become later ?
I don't know. Im studying communications technology
right now and I want to create a sound-filter or a little acoustic
component that creates some wierd sounds. Music will fill my little
sparetime at most.
there any disturbing or nice sounds that have "affected" your childhood ?
My own experiments gave me a special comprehension for
your parents give you a musical education ?
No. They can't understand what I'm doing...
you tell us about a musical memory of your childhood (a concert,
a show..) ?
I watched a little series every saturday night (around
2 o'clock in the night) on a german music television years ago.
These were my first contacts with abstract music.