½ de Icebreaker, des milliers de projets dont un sous son vrai nom chez Monopsone.





JadeWeb : What is your first musical memory ?
Listening to Hall & Oates on the radio.

Which artist or song has "affected" your childhood ?
The Rubber Gloves "Andulsite"

Did you think of working in music ? What did you really want to become later ?
Transport planner. Music is more fun.

Are there any disturbing or nice sounds that have "affected" your childhood ?
A sound of a grandfather clock.

Did your parents give you a musical education ?
Piano, Saxaphone, Guitar, in that order.

Can you tell us about a musical memory of your childhood (a concert, a show..) ?
Going to a 'Love and Rockets' concert in 1985 in Boston.

Your childhood "Top 5"


> Rédaction
© Julien Jaffré | Jadeweb 2003