Albums , 7" et maxis sur Amberley, Earworm Darla, Wurlitzer Jukebox, Ochre , Kranky, Rocket Girl….Incontournable


JadeWeb : Quel est votre premier souvenir musical ou sonore ?
The Doctor Who theme, from the black and white episodes. Very spooky sounds for a boy just out of nappies.

Quels artistes ou chansons ont marqué votre jeunesse ?
Nothing in particular, for me it was a kaleidoscope of older brother and sisters preferences chopped with a large dose of parents and grandparents old-time crooning marhler waltzing. For me it was the milea of sounds from outside and in, mixing with the themes and tunes from the 60's & 70's TV and radio, that had the most effect. Occasional sounds and music saving me from the vagaries of my families choices.

Pensiez-vous travailler dans la musique ? Que souhaitiez-vous devenir plus tard ?
I think I might have said, a fireman, racing driver, in the Beatles, tinker tailor soldier sailor, secret agent.....depending on the day and weather. Didn't really think of such things seriously until I was well into my teenage years.

Y a t’il des sons désagréables (ou agréables) qui ont marqué votre jeunesse ?
The sound of a storm from inside a creaking caravan or tent, the howl of the wind has always fascinated me, as did the sea shell effect on the ear, or the Doppler roar of a jet engine or car. But the air of a breeze is as magical as the sound of heavy snow.

Est-ce que vos parents ont participé à votre éducation musicale ?
They dragged me to the classical concerts every week at the local big concert hall (50km away) this went on for what seemed a decade or two! There was an old piano in a wintry backroom and a dusty guitar we could not touch. We got given penny whistles and cheap plastic recorders at some point.

Pouvez-vous raconter un souvenir d’enfance marquant, relatif à la musique (concert, spectacle…) ?
I remember a Christmas show at the local arts centre theatre, maybe it was an adaptation of Alice in Wonderland or something similar. It was pretty abstract in any case as they had full-on oil screen projectors going in a generally blacked out theatre. The music lived up to the trippy visuals and was very sonic and drone complete with big sound effects and echoes,to this were some trancy medieval beats. It was the late 60's and my only taste of it, I guess my parents didn't like it, they were square there.

Votre Top 5 de l’enfance

coloured vinyl 7"s of the Grimm fairy tales,
'Laughing Gnome' by David Bowie
BBC sound effects Vol. 7
'Nowhere man' by the Beatles
Gymnopodie No 3 by Eric Satie

entretien © Julien Jaffré 2005