Du vocodeur à mort et des points pascal, Alexei, dissident Russe a réalisé un album sur Staalplaat+ maxi sur petits labels + performances…


JadeWeb : Quel est votre premier souvenir musical ou sonore ?
Probably it was a music theme from a children before-go-to-sleep tv program:

Quels artistes ou chansons ont marqué votre jeunesse ?
There were many of them, all Soviet pop-singers, their names weill tell nothing to you.

Pensiez-vous travailler dans la musique ? Que souhaitiez-vous devenir plus tard ?
Not really. I've changed a few job attractions such as tram driver -always down to earth, dealing with phisical objects. Started to admire of rock guitarists' images much later, when I was a teenager.

Y a t’il des sons désagréables (ou agréables) qui ont marqué votre jeunesse ?
Probably, just don't remember my childhood well.

Est-ce que vos parents ont participé à votre éducation musicale ?
They wanted to, but I told them firmly: NO! And still don't know if I should regret about that episode or not. Because I see so many professionals limited by what they've learned.

Pouvez-vous raconter un souvenir d’enfance marquant, relatif à la musique (concert, spectacle…) ?
MMM... Perhaps a cartoon-musical "Bremenskie muzykanty" - "Bremen Musicians", which is still popular here in Russia. http://childrecords.narod.ru/bremen_musicians/ -> mp3 files from narod.ru

Votre Top 5 de l’enfance

That would be too much - I just don't remember...

entretien © Julien Jaffré 2005