pleins de belles choses (notammDe Too Pure à Sonig Domino et Our Choice, jamais expérience n'aura été si intéréssante..le label quant à lui couvre l'éventail de l'international du plus rythmé (scrtach pet land) au plus assagi (C-Shultz ) ent sur Diskono)
Frank MOUSE ON MARS/ Sonig

JadeWeb : Quel est votre premier souvenir musical ou sonore ?
the snoring of my grandfather sharing the gardenbench with me.

Quels artistes ou chansons ont marqué votre jeunesse ?
freddy krueger (chanteur de country bavaroise), pumuckl, otto walkes, prince ironheart, willi brandt.

Pensiez-vous travailler dans la musique ? Que souhaitiez-vous devenir plus tard ?
i never thought music making could be a job. i wanted to become a lawyer or something social. music grew out of pleassure much later. I was more into drawing and doing visuals than making music myself.

Y a t’il des sons désagréables (ou agréables) qui ont marqué votre jeunesse ?
my grandmother shouting for me to come inside for food. my hamster dying from a cold.

Est-ce que vos parents ont participé à votre éducation musicale ?
no. my grandmother went to flute classes with me. i gave up by the age of 9.

Pouvez-vous raconter un souvenir d’enfance marquant, relatif à la musique (concert, spectacle…) ?
european song contest, i could stay up late. i didn't care about the music. also it was always a pleassure to hear the fonebell of detective rockfort. maybe again because it meant i wqas staying up late.

Votre Top 5 de l’enfance

tuned up bycicle / female neighbour girl / digging holes in our garden and hiding stuff in there / watching my grandmother through the open kitchen window / pissing in my pants from laughing.

entretien © Julien Jaffré 2003